I Don.t Care Anymore!
I don’t care anymore.
Don’t misunderstand me, I know that sounds bad, but please hear me out.
I no longer have concerns about the things other people might think about me.
Those people don’t know me and even if they think they do… they are viewing me through their lens of understanding and experience;they no doubt have the wrong idea.
So what if they do? I DO NOT CARE anymore and it’s the best feeling!
What exactly do I mean by “don’t care?” That statement alone is open to all sorts of misinterpretation.
Does it mean I dress badly and don’t look after myself? I certainly don’t think so!
Does it mean I don’t pay due attention and don’t put effort into my work? NO!
Does it mean I’m a heartless self-centred harridan; who ignores her family, is mean to her friends and only puts her needs first? NOT AT ALL.
If anything my appreciation for those really close to me (the ones who may have a claim to the belief that they do know me) has multiplied a hundredfold.
After puttering about for years worrying about what irrelevant total strangers and half-hearted “friends” and acquaintances thought and said about me, people-pleasing to the detriment of my peace of mind … and by association that…