Ice Sheet ~ Eco Poem

Ice Sheets


Ice sheets are melting
Seas are rising
Islands under the ocean
Are submerging by the seaweed.

The ecosystem is distressing
People are starving
Polluters to the banks are cashing in
And the rest of us are paying in.

From the carbon monoxide,
the sick, the elderly
And the between are dying,
Suffering is yearning,
Species are disappearing.

And from the plastic waste
Diseases are on the rise augmenting
Everything from vegetables,
To grains, to domestic and wild animals are fading.

Life is dwindling
The question is what to do about it?
The sooner is to act fast and repair it
Ice sheets are melting
Seas are rising.

Let us get together and save it...



Hajj Munga - 'Mr. Environment.'
Be Open

Environmentalist & Community Developer by Profession, Eco Advocate, Poet, Project Writer, Top Eco Poet, Top Eco Articles Writer... Email: