I’ll Read (At Least) One Story / Article By Anyone Who Comments On This

Taylor D. Levesque
Be Open
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2021


Because Medium can’t find me anything good to read, sometimes.

Photo by Micky White on Unsplash.

I’m sure you already understand where this is going based on the title, but I’m sure some of you are wondering why. Let me explain!

I recently (at least, somewhat recently) came across an article from Nellie N doing this very same thing, and I loved the idea. Not only does it encourage more writers to interact and come together, but it spreads some love, chances, and reading material.

The algorithm hasn’t been doing it for me. My feed isn’t giving me anything I’d be all that interested in reading, and most days, the reaction to the list it offers is along the lines of, “Meh.” Where is the content I’m interested in reading? Why is there stuff showing up that I don’t care about?

So, I now reach out to you directly, fellow writers. I want to read and enjoy your work. I want to see what you’re writing about, be it fiction or nonfiction. Granted, I have my favourite genres, but everyone is going to get a chance. I encourage you to take a look at the work of others who respond as well!

I encourage you to share a story (or two!) within your response if you are particularly proud of one of your works or just want something to get a bit more attention. If you’re not…



Taylor D. Levesque
Be Open

A reader, writer, and gamer. Also a horror junkie. I write in all sorts of topics and genres because I can’t niche.