I’m an Average Writer But I Will Make a Living on This Platform

You can too, using the simplest, two step method.

Michael Neve
Be Open
2 min readMay 9, 2024



If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. That’s the saying right?

Id like you to think back to two pretty major events in your life; learning to swim and to ride a bike.

Along the way you were encouraged, you were told “you can do it.”

I’ll bet money, that while getting a lungful of chlorine at the local baths, all the while your scraped knee from falling off your bike stinging like mad. You were doubting every bit of encouragement, making light of every bit of progress.

Basically thinking that mastering either of these tasks would be good … but in reality, too good to be true.

You did it though, I’m betting you’re a swimmer who can also rude a pretty mean bike.

The metaphors stop there.

Here’s the two, and only two things, you need to do to master your Medium craft and earn good money while you’re doing so.

Here they are, feel free to read on for a slightly more nuanced explanation:

  1. Post quality content.
  2. Post it consistently
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Now, the quality content should speak for itself. If you’re stuck for ideas, the best advice I can give, is an old writer’s saying: write what you know. Do that and your readers will feel the authenticity. That’s half the battle right there.

To the consistent posting. Asides from your readers knowing where they stand and knowing they can expect your work at the same times each week.

There is one more important aspect to consider:

Medium’s algorithm rewards you the more consistently you post.

In layman’s terms

that means whether you’re posting three times per week, every week, or seven times (I’d aim for five, but whatever your number, make sure its not too much so that your quality isn’t affected and that you don’t get overwhelmed or disheartened)

Stick to that number and the algorithm rewards you by making your posts visible to more readers for more time.

No one knows the actual numbers, but there are thousands of articles including official Medium staff posts, telling us just how consistent posting is rewarded.

That’s it for now. Good luck, feel free to ask me anything and most of all, happy writing.



Michael Neve
Be Open

legit, actionable strategies, for new bloggers, alongside an intellectual shmorgasboard of tasty morsels for the mind ... did I just say that ... it's a blog