In World Billionaires Nightmare Spox Muddle The Happy Elephant With Surprise Pope

Wicked ChiefEditor DiyaSaini

Wicked Diya Saini
Be Open
2 min readJun 15, 2022


Artwork by DiyaSaini

Pope Francis says NATO has performed Belly Dancing at the gates of Russia

Pope, through his telepathy, passed a judgment after juggling three balloons named Russia, NATO & Ukraine. The culprit is NATO, which fell on the Pope’s head each time, pointing to the mystical phenomena of the Superior Powers.

Artwork by DiyaSaini

USA Spox Go Muddled

A new law was adopted in the US after Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre screwed up. Any government official interviewed by the public in a quick-fire matter cannot have a break of more than 3 seconds or will eventually go expelled.

Artwork by DiyaSaini

President Biden swears on leaving the Billionaires with Nightmares

President Biden’s calendar runs designed daily, giving him the siesta time where he can solve the country’s missing puzzle. During one of those golden moments, he realized in extorting all the super-rich people of America.

Artwork by DiyaSaini

The Animal Kingdom has been left Offended

In a judgment, the New York courthouse exposed their vampire’s teeth. Not allowing an Elephant to go transferred from Bronx Zoo to an Elephant sanctuary by quoting it’s not permitted as it’s not Human by licking on the rule of habeas corpus. The Elephant’s name, Happy, couldn’t make them realize how severely they can go punished by making a person called Happy Unhappy.

God bless the Suckers

Artwork by DiyaSaini



Wicked Diya Saini
Be Open

A Wonder Woman steers The Wicked Humor Monopolize Publication