It’s In The Little Things.

“sometimes, little things make a big difference. Just smile, sparkle and shine."

Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
2 min readApr 5, 2024


Photo from pinterest

Waking up everyday with a heaviness that can't be clearly explained became my routine for quiet some time.

People giving free opinions and judgmental looks, questioning everything about my life may have backed up the growing ache in my mind and heart.

I stopped smiling and started blaming everyone and everything.
'Life sucks' became my motto.

The day I decided to get out of this slump.
One decision is all it took.
I decided to come out of the negative aura and become my own trainer.
I decided to get up early and pray.
I decided to walk with time and do productive things.
I decided to become disciplined and regain the lost control on some parts of my life.

The next day,
I didn’t get up on time but I did pray.
Something is better than nothing. Right?
I didn’t give up.
I got some work done. All with my cape on and a determined straight face.
I ate healthy, did the dishes and on the corner of the sink I saw a smiley with some water droplets.


That brought a smile to my face.
It immediately lifted my mood.
I realised, although I was determined to go through my disciplined plan, that little thing which made me smile was important.
It encouraged me to get going.

That smile acted like a buffer for me.
It helped me to climb the next step in becoming optimistic.

Life is short. Don't let others get to you. Be optimistic.
We hear these words all the time.
But it only works when you remember to inject those words into your daily life.

A decision you make and the work you put are important on the climb towards your goals but the little things which lift your mood are equally important to help you keep going.
They pat your back when you feel that low.

Look out for those little things everyday which make you smile because sometimes they may be the one's that make your day and push you to keep moving forward.

So, what made you smile today?



Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
Writer for

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile on your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and sometimes I write poetry too. Just saying.