Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

It’s not about Collecting Business Cards or Adding Contacts on LinkedIn

The Importance of Building Connections for Success

Rodolfo Anes Silveira, PhD
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2024


In todays world making connections is key to moving and networking is more than a nice to have — it’s essential. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional or a student starting out on your career path the value of networking cannot be overstated. It’s not about collecting business cards or adding contacts on LinkedIn; it’s about building relationships that can help you grow personally and professionally.

Picture yourself at an industry event, surrounded by people who’re passionate about their work. You strike up a conversation with someone who shares your interests. Before you know it you’re exchanging thoughts, perspectives and contact details. Little did you realize at that moment how that casual interaction could lead to collaborations career opportunities or valuable mentorships.

One particular encounter stands out in my mind. I attended a workshop, on marketing to gather strategies for my freelance work. During a coffee break I chatted with another attendee who turned out to be a marketer.
We connected through our passion, for creativity in advertising and shared insights on branding strategies. This initial connection evolved into a mentorship where I received guidance and advice that helped elevate my business to levels.

Networking isn’t about finding people who can benefit you; it’s also about what you can offer in return. Being helpful and paying it forward can make an impact and open doors you never imagined. I remember a time when a coworker asked for help on a project that was outside my responsibilities. Despite some hesitation I decided to assist using my expertise to support their work. Little did I realize, this act of kindness led to referrals, new collaborations and a reputation for dependability in my field.

Networking goes beyond gatherings or professional environments; it’s a mindset that influences every aspect of your life. Whether you’re talking with parents at your childs school function or connecting with minded individuals online each interaction provides an opportunity to build meaningful relationships.

In todays interconnected society the boundaries, between professional networking are becoming more blurred. Social media platforms such, as LinkedIn provide an opportunity to connect with professionals globally allowing you to engage and collaborate with people from backgrounds and industries. When using these platforms it’s important to be genuine and purposeful focusing on fostering relationships than just adding contacts.

Remember that the true measure of success in networking goes beyond collecting business cards or making connections. It’s about the quality of relationships you develop the value you offer others and the impact you have on those around you.

As you navigate your networking journey approach each interaction with curiosity, empathy and a sincere desire to learn and contribute. Embrace unexpected opportunities, step out of your comfort zone. Be open to experiences. Building connections through networking will open doors to possibilities in your quest, for success.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

Lets connect bridges together and move towards achieving our goals. The world is ready for you to leave your mark.

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