Just Ask Buddy

Fiction | Inspirational | Humor

Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

"I don’t like it when you call me buddy"

That’s the last thing he said to me before he slammed the door and left. Probably to get pizza from the kitchen?

I was too stunned to speak.

My godson doesn’t like it when I call him ‘buddy’!

I mean, who doesn’t like to be called buddy!?

You see, Chris and I, we are like this.

Oh, you can’t see me. Just imagine me crossing my fingers showcasing how close we are.

You’ll also need some backstory for better understanding I guess. My best buddy, Ron, and his wife had a little family emergency and left their tween son, Chris, with me for the day.

So yeah, I’m babysitting.

I know you’re not but for the people who are worrying about the emergency, relax, it’s just his grandma calling him for the fourteenth time this year, saying she’s dying. She just wants to see him again.

Okay, now back to me.

I’ve known Chris his whole life. He said I was his best friend and said to keep it a secret too to avoid his childish father’s tantrum.

We became best buddies!

So when he said to me that he was feeling anxious to talk to another kid about being his partner in some project, I just told him to ask.

You should have seen the glare he gave me. Kids these days, the attitude.

He said it’s not that easy.

Ergo, I decided it’s time to show him my wise side as he only knows the fun uncle/ best bud side.

There are two types of people in life. First type being the one who waits for what they want and then the second type who proactively asks.

Most people don’t get what they want because they never ask.

I know, it’s not so simple for some. They don’t take the step in fear of rejection or think that they would come out to be rude if they ask for something in life.

But what worse could happen if you ask sincerely?

You get a no. It’s not the end of the world.

I said the above sagacious words and also added.

"…facing rejection should be normalized. Think this way.. if you get a yes, you get what you want; If you get a no, you’ll get something better along the way. So don’t worry. Just ask buddy."

And do you know what my best bud said to me after my eye opening monologue?...Just go back up and read the first line guys. I don’t want to repeat it again.



Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
Writer for

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile on your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and sometimes I write poetry too. Just saying.