Latest Writers Joining Be Open Featured Writers List? Who they're?

Recent Be Open's writers who have been eligible to be listed in Be Open Featured Writers page!

A Shayens Abran
Be Open


Image edit by Author

Hallo D- Anne Jennings, Damien Dsoul, Felishia La-Shae, Diya Saini, Gustave Deresse, Warren Brown

We would like to inform you all that you’re eligible to have Featured Writer page in Be Open publication! One or two of you may already know about this. It’s just a little thing we initiate to do, but hopefully still has benefit for you. :-)

Featured Writers page! What is that? Why are you eligible for it?

It's to compile your stories in one page. You can read it detaily here:

This featured writers page is our intention to make our writers feel Be Open as their sweet home and feel appreciated as well for our readers to easy finding their favourite authors.

Note: To make your future stories (that submitted to Be Open)…



A Shayens Abran
Be Open

3x Top Writer on Medium. Founder Be Open publication. Person with Asperger & APD. Interested in Psychology, Fiction, Poem, Love, Life, Nature