Leaf and Snow Wars

No one wants THAT!

Dawn Ulmer
Be Open


Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Recently, in the news, it was shown that two neighbors were in a war of leaves, dumping huge garbage containers filled with fallen leaves over a very tall fence and into their neighbor’s yard.

I was reminded of the leaf wars where I live and how ridiculous it seemed. In fact, leaf wars gradually changed into snow wars.

There was a neighbor who loved to run the leaf blower, getting every last one of them removed from her area. The only problem was that HER leaves ended up all around and under a neighbor’s car. You can imagine….

When winter came, it became a bit more serious as the woman’s snowblower was busy moving that white stuff from under and around her car to — you guessed it — all around the neighbor’s car. The passenger door couldn’t even be used by the neighbor’s wife. Can you just see the anger seething?

Because of the hard feelings between neighbors, there were rumors of shouting matches and even that air was let out of some tires.

Due to a change in parking places, I found myself next to the leaf blowing, snow removal person’s space. I could see it coming!

Thus, one day when my neighbor seemed to have found something of interest on the ground near where I pulled in to park, I stopped to greet her and find out what she had found. I was DETERMINED to be pleasant!

My neighbor had found a baby bird which had fallen out of its nest. Since the leaf blower, snow remover neighbor softened at the sight of that bird, she appreciated that I’d stopped to see what she had found.

Once the bird was back in the nest, I invited my neighbor that day to come around to my place to see if we could see mama bird flying in to the rescue.

From that day on, my neighbor and I have been ‘friends’. We stop and chat a minute on some days. She’s been known to ask for prayer for a situation in which she needed God’s help. I enjoy her! I appreciate that there is peace between us!!!

Thus, when the Lord admonishes us in scripture:

Turn away from evil and do good. Try to live in peace even if you must run after it to catch and hold it! I Peter 3:11 TLB

We see what happens when we don’t follow the Word. Not only will we have neighbor ‘wars’, but we will have conflicts all over our neighborhoods and the world.

Let’s help bring PEACE into our world, beginning in our own neighborhood…and family.

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Dawn Ulmer
Be Open

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!