Life peeking from the window

Life peeking from the window: A poetic glimpse

Be Open
May 1, 2024


Life peeking through the window 🌅

Life peeking from the window, opens the world of dreams.

Sometimes dim, sometimes bright, this light of the paths speaks.

When the blanket of night gets upset, and the stars disappear,
Then the world of the window, shows hope through dreams.

Every unknown face is a story book,
Every page of life, has a special indication of the window.

Colors change every day, and there is a plethora of stories,
Behind the window, every moment something new rides.

When time is on leave, and the window is opened,
In the journey of life, the window has always supported.

Life peeking from the window, every moment is a special story,
In this poetic glimpse, there is a new look of a new life every day.



Be Open

Hello everyone, my name is Sam. I'm a writer. I'm grateful for your support of my articles, and I hope you'll continue to follow me. 💐