My Fault

A poem

Maria S
Be Open
2 min readSep 24, 2021



Something about life made me wonder
Why is it always so hard to be who we are?
I always find it hard to be myself around everyone
I always faked it to be accepted
I played it cool to be heard, but actually, nobody was listening to me…
I was speaking to walls
I was lonely
I cried in the bathroom of the oil station wishing life was not that hard
I cried while driving listening to my favorite songs because I was lonely
I threw all my medications in the trash
I thought I was strong enough to handle everything on my own
I wake up from my sleep having anxiety attacks
I don’t remember the last time I slept very deeply
But here I’m stuck
I’m tired of hearing everyone sexualizing my body
I’m tired that everything is my fault because I’m a woman, and I should take the whole responsibility
They taught me since I was a child that everything is my fault even if someone touched my body and I didn’t like it
I should apologize for everything
My mistakes, other people’s mistakes
My trauma, other people’s trauma
But it’s so lonely here
And all I need is company now



Maria S
Be Open

A writer but not a famous one. I published my first book in 2018 supporting women and child. I write poetry and short stories