My Personal Struggle with Cat Phobia

A closer look at my fear of cats

Mahnoor shafiq
Be Open
2 min readDec 24, 2023


Photo by Jari Hytönen on Unsplash

Cat phobia is commonly known as “ailurophobia.” Living with cat phobia is like having a constant, unwelcome companion. Whenever I find myself in the presence of a cat or even just the thought crosses my mind, it’s like my brain hits a panic button. I get super nervous, and my heart is racing in overdrive. It triggers an intense wave of nervousness. It’s not a normal fear but rather a gripping anxiety that seems to have its roots deep within me. I often wonder if something from my childhood or some inexplicable quirk of my brain chemistry is responsible for this overwhelming reaction.

People’s reactions around me can be challenging to navigate. They see a cute, furry creature while I feel an unsettling discomfort and a surge of adrenaline. The well-intentioned comments like, “Cats are so adorable and harmless,” only add to the struggle. It’s as if my brain has a different script that triggers a fight-or-flight response even in seemingly harmless situations.

Imagine going to social gatherings or friends houses and having this constant worry in your mind the worry that there might be a cat. Sometimes, this fear becomes so overpowering that I have to leave disrupting plans and causing me to miss out on moments of connection. Explaining this to others isn’t easy either; it’s like trying to describe a sensation that’s hardwired into my instincts.

Despite the challenges, I’m determined to overcome this fear. Talking to someone about it has been a lifeline. Understanding that I’m not alone in this struggle has provided comfort. I’m slowly learning techniques to manage the anxiety, to help me stay grounded in situations where fear threatens to take over.

It’s a journey of facing and gradually desensitizing myself to the fear of cats. With continued support and understanding, I can rewrite the script in my mind, allowing me to coexist with cats without the intense fear that has defined this part of my life.

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