Nature's View ~ Eco Poem

Nature's View

Hajj Munga - 'Mr. Environment.'
Be Open
1 min readMay 18, 2024


The view from a safe space
From patio all seeing
Nature in all of it's glorious face
Giving freely of itself for viewing.

Wild flowers aplenty
In meadows of colour
Lavender fields of blue inventory
With blessings from earth mother.

Trees of green lusciousness
Shelter to many a winged creature
Trees absorbing humanity's carbon excess
Cleansing the air, a gift of nature as teacher.

Respect for the mother of our world
Treat her gently
For she can fall if badly unfurled
From her mission to protect as life's sentry.

From a window
Red poppies beauty bright
Reigning over dark shadow
Of man-made buildings tight.

In awe of electric blue wisteria
Of shape and colour unique
Twining around pillars with authentic criteria
Supplying sweet nectar to birds of a feather.

Even distant mountains
Framing precious view
Concealing rivulets and fountains
And flora's mountain dew.

Love bearing
Will work, if mindful of all nature's law.



Hajj Munga - 'Mr. Environment.'
Be Open

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