Peaceful Dinners, Lithuanian Gangsters and A Crossbow

Short Fiction series

Be Open
3 min readJan 13, 2022


Alice’s life flew at a quiet and steady pace. Doug didn’t give her too much work to do. Alice thought that Doug was a bit lonely and her company in the house, made him happier. Alice enjoyed the everyday routine, a bit of work and plenty of weed made life a bit more bearable.

One night, when dinner was ready and Alice was chilling in a garden, Doug didn’t show up, which was unusual for him.

“He is a big boy, he does whatever he wants” — she said it to herself but deep inside she felt that the calm days are behind her.

After dinner, she went out for an evening cycling around the town. As soon as she stepped out she noticed a black BMW X6 sitting across the road. She pretended that she didn’t notice people sitting in the car but as soon as she cycled away she hid in the bushes and crawled back to observe the car.

Two geezers with faces untouched by intelligence were inside it. The smell of skunk floating around it. One of them was observing Doug’s house with binoculars.

Alice retreated back to the house through a back garden. No lights, no movement close to the windows. She got some food, drinks and smokes and crawled up the stairs. Doug had a crossbar, now it was in Alice’s hands.

Nothing happened until 01:00 am. Then, she heard a quiet click in the back door in the kitchen. Alice put an arrow into the crossbow. She sat still on top of the stairs ready to let it fly at anyone sticking their head out of the corner.

“Alice”? — Doug said quietly.

“Alice, are you up there”? — he repeated the question.

“What the fuck is going on, Doug? I almost killed you, you idiot” — she replied in anger.

“And who the fuck are the two dumb asses outside in the BMW”?

“Lithuanians are after my business” — Doug said in a quiet voice.

“Lithu-fucking- who”?

“ A gang was pushed out of Lithuania so they are making a move over here”.

“Motherfuckers”! — Alice said it while clinching the crossbow.

“Doug, what are you going to do. Are you gonna let them walk over you”?

“Let’s wait and see. if I need your help, will you help me out”? — Doug asked Alice.

Alice said nothing. She walked back to her room, sat next to the window and watched BMW still parked across the road. Started to rain. The rain didn't stop for three days. It felt like nature didn’t want anything bad to happen to Alice and Doug.

Part 1

Part 2

