The Mystery Series

Senn in Venice

Chapter 1: Wrong Time. Wrong Place.

Andy Travis
Be Open
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2022


Photo by Darwin Vegher on Unsplash

February was not Nicholas Senn's preferred season to be in Venice.

But he had no choice.

His best friend Laura had mysteriously disappeared, and he had to find her.

As his motoscafo water taxi puttered to a halt at his studio apartment in Ca' dei Regio in San Marco, Venice, at 2 AM, Senn felt instantly unwelcome.

The rain, now hail, lashed his face as he noticed the broken buzzer on the wall from the dim light coming from a cracked, rusted street lamp. Senn muttered under his breath as he took out his (already) frozen hands from his pocket and banged on the giant faded blue wooden door.

As he was waiting, Senn heard a growl in the dark. He turned and saw a couple of stray dogs approaching him from the end of the street. Now frustrated and anxious, Senn banged on the door harder and this time was relieved to hear some muffled footsteps from somewhere deep inside the crusty, pink Venetian house.

A groggy middle-aged man opened the door and grumbled his frustration as he let him in. "You were supposed to be here by 10 PM!"

