Silences of the Rain

You never felt it

Self improvement
Be Open
3 min readMar 30, 2023


Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Can you feel it? Of course you can’t, but i can feel it. I can feel my pain getting Healed in this rain. The rain always reminds me of the purity it holds. The power to silence the fire. Standing here and watching it is like seeing all my randomness dissolve. The uneasiness of my brain, which keeps on running even in night, stops running and starts living. The purity it holds is awesome.

There is a fire in all of us. It can never dissipate. We’ll have to live with it, but it can reduce its impact on me for.

Days passed, weeks passed, years passed, but this rain always stayed.

Can you feel the voice of rain, the purified air, and the small drops penetrating from my window? I don’t want to share this moment with anyone. Only I deserve this moment. I just want to store it and share it with everyone. We sometimes don’t imagine what we are missing in this world. Being materialistic is good, but leaving this sense of satisfaction behind is awesome.

You know what? I am with you till the rain doesn’t stop. You know me till you are reading this article; you will disappear, I will disappear. What will be left is this article? You can come a little closer to me by commenting on this post or clapping for it. Then I can remember your name for a few more days, and you can remember me for even more days. but the end will come.

The feeling of this combination of the sweetest air, a small drop of rain, and the thunder is not letting me think of anything. I tried, but I failed. I can just talk; I can just express; I can just store.

I will not bore you by lecturing you on the importance of being in the present moment. But find a time when you can free yourself for some time. Store it here and serve it to other people so that they can also live what you lived.

The 4 years I was nearly home, spent a lot of time with me. And the best part is I created Me. Me is a person who will always stand against my mind, which works on senses. But Me know what is good and what is not.

Me is interesting , a completely changed person who loves his passion. But don't be Me. Me is struggling and is depressed. Me is not happy.


Maybe Me will find its place, but you have chance live to the fullest. I will not make it difficult for you. Live to the fullest is actually just live. Do whatever you want to do. By that, I mean do whatever you want to do, but don’t get stuck in a vicious cycle of emotions. The most beautiful “live” is love. unconscionable, uncommon, unimaginable, and unlimited.

Bye... Next time it rains, feel it, or just stare at it. I would love to read your rain stories. Send me in comment or separately.



Self improvement
Be Open

writting about some glimpse of life from my perspective