Who knew that the Cold War was such an hilarious time

Glenn M Stewart
Be Open
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2024


The Car

Joseph Stalin visits a factory where the workers spontaneously present him a newly made Soviet automobile!

Stalin asked the workers: “Comrades, congratulations with the good work of Soviet engineering, what is the name you’ve given for this automobile”?

The worker answered proudly: “We named it MOTHERLAND (Rodina)! Comrade Stalin!”

A grim look appeared on Stalin’s face. He took his pipe to smoke and stared at the worker for 10 seconds. The worker started to feel uncomfortable and suddenly Stalin asked…

And for how much are you willing to sell the motherland, comrade”?

The next day a new car was born with a different name, called ‘VICTORY’ (Pobeda).

The Police

Why do Soviet policemen go around in groups of three?

Because one of them can read, so is able to understand their orders and share them with the other two.

One of them can write and is the one who produces the charge sheets and other documentation.

And the third is a KGB informer, there to monitor the two dangerous intellectuals…



Glenn M Stewart
Be Open

Pugilist, polemicist, Oxford Arabist, financial mastermind, international man of mystery, film producer, playwright, part-time-poet, full-time provocateur…