Stand Tall, Shine Bright


Kulshum Khatoon
Be Open
Jan 4, 2024


Photo by Doz Gabrial on Unsplash

In life, we see success or loss,
Not just money, our minds gloss.
Money’s not the key, it’s a state,
Happiness found, not due to fate.

Believing shapes our mind,
Joy’s not just what we find.
True bliss starts from within,
Begin with thanks, let appreciation win.

Life’s diverse, paths unknown,
Twins differ, happiness our own.
Not in others, not in a face,
Look inside, find your grace.

Unity may bring joy, it’s true,
Yet, solo happiness, discover too.
No ties to another’s dance,
Within yourself, give joy a chance.

Live with purpose, know your worth,
Happiness within, not on the earth.
In our essence, creators we are,
Craft your joy, shine like a star.

Walk your path, be true,
No need to follow, just stand tall.
You’re enough, with a purpose divine,
Find peace within, let your light shine.

