Stop Ruining Your Kid’s Creativity; Give them Some Space, They will Thank You

Be Open
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2023

Benefits of Flexible learning

Photo by Phinehas Adams on Unsplash

Children are very delicate human beings, they are like fresh blooming flowers who need care, time and nurturing environment to bloom to their full potential but unfortunately, in today’s rat race we have exerted an immense pressure on them in terms of getting grades and coming at the top.

Our current educational system is unable to give them space and flexibility to learn according to their own pace and within their own decided curriculum. We are always in a hurry to pour knowledge into the little brains without realizing their interest and potential.

Kids have become mere spectators witnessing the teacher in the classroom stating and solving their curricular problems, thus losing their interest in the study and classrooms activity.

Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Now imagine a group of students of primary section is sitting in a circle outside the walled classroom into a place surrounding by fresh flowers and trees and sun and fresh air. Teacher is sitting between them and they are having a conversation over their upcoming project of extinct species. Teacher has ignited their curiosity by telling them a story of ancient dinosaurs and their endless battle with humans.

Now children are curious about dinosaurs, their traits and habits. So, they started discussing with each other and with their teacher as well. Each kid is putting his effort to bring forward any information regarding dinosaurs and eventually they decided to make story book of Dinosaurs.

They decided their own project after a fruitful discussion with their teacher without having any extra burden. Some have taken a responsibility of performing a song about dinosaurs, others offer their expertise to dig out interesting information from books and some artists decided to paint and design their Dinosaur book like a masterpiece.

This is called flexible classroom where children learn flexibly, according to their own pace. This system surly has some benefits upon kid’s emotional, social and cognitive development.

Let’s have a view of the potential benefits of a flexible educational environment:

Students’ empowerment:

By giving them flexibility in choosing their seats in class, or deciding their projects to work on as well as the way to execute that project, we are empowering them for future success. Students take their own responsibility and learn to flourish in their area of interest instead of getting higher grades in all the areas. We are empowering them to be stress free in their upcoming age and educational career.

Boost academic performance:

When we keep our children stress free we are encouraging them for better academic performance. When we listen to their emotional, psychological and spiritual needs, we are automatically giving them power to handle their circumstances thus are helping them to boost their academic performance.

Enhance collaboration:

In a flexible learning environment, children learn the art of collaboration and interaction. They share their ideas, space and things to build a responsive community among their peers. Thus have a life long learning of living in a society with cultural, emotional and theoretical differences.

Improve comfort and attention Span:

When children have a choice for sitting and interacting with each other in the presence of teacher and presenting his thoughts freely without focusing on posture , they get a sense of comfort and thus focus completely on their desired project.

Promoting Fun:

Flexible teaching environment is a way of promoting fun learning among students. Now students do not feel education as a burden or a coarse of standing high among the crowd , but they take it as their core part of being nourished and skilled.

So, if we want our children to excel in the upcoming world of advancement and technology, we must equip them with the most demanding traits if present age I.e

Art of collaboration



Problem solving

Maintaining their physical and mental health.




Be Open

Freelance Content writer, SEO blog writer, digital marketer, Homeschooling mom of three