Sydney to Dubai: 5 Essential Tips for Your International Move

Be Open
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2024
Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Martin Luther King Jr.

I recently traded the winsome Sydney for the glittering sands of Dubai. This exciting adventure was chaotic at first. After all, condensing a decade of life into 42 boxes is challenging. These four weeks of planning, sorting, and exhaustion have taught me valuable lessons. I am sharing 5 tips to help you plan your next overseas move.

Tip 1: Embrace the power of breaks

Do nothing.

Do something you love.

It seems counterintuitive, especially when you want to pack a three-bedroom house and give away three suitcases worth of clothes. Taking time out for your favourite activities grounds you and provides a semblance of normalcy.

Every day, I read a few pages of Power of Now and watched an episode of Rookie whenever I had time. Not all the days were labour-intensive, so I managed to squeeze in a workout.

Take a walk, meet a friend or watch a game of footy. Don’t feel guilty for taking a breather.

Tip 2: Befriend free boxes and packing supplies

Three weeks before your move, visit local stores and politely ask for free cardboard boxes. They’re often happy to give them away, saving you money and their recycling time. It’s a win-win!

I also used this opportunity to thank the local businesses for their service and shared the good news of my move.

My movers planned to use their boxes, so I didn’t want to splurge money on a pack of 20–30 cartons. I used preloved boxes to sort items (selling, donating, packing).

I invested in pre-made wine bottle bubble wrap to safely pack my prized vintages.

Tip3: Declutter early and strategically

Create a list of items to sell or donate in advance. Start selling items sooner than you want to, as some items might linger on Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree.

Embrace the unexpected: My modular couch wasn’t sold, while my old shoe cabinet quickly found a new home. Be careful of scammers on these platforms. You know they’re trying to scam you when they ask for an email address or send a shady PayPal link. Always use PayId or ask for cash at the time of trade.

Use your calendar app to track membership cancellations and other deadlines. I even added the last day to donate unsold items on my calendar.
Remember, some Australian charities offer home pick-up for donations — a real first-world perk! However, you need to notify them well in advance. If you have a car, dropping off items at The Salvation Army or Red Cross can save time.

Tip 4: You Are the captain of your move

Every move is unique, so figure out what works best for you. Take advice only from people who have been on a similar journey. While delegating tasks or paying for a service can be tempting, be cautious. Finding reliable help on Urban Company, Airtasker, or Gumtree can be time-consuming and sometimes counterproductive.

There are specific tasks that you or a trusted family member can handle.

Tip 5: Focus on the future, not the farewell tour

Don’t get bogged down by creating a bucket list of “last hurrahs”. If you wanted to do an activity, eat at that trendy restaurant or meet that long-lost friend, you could have done it by now.

Channel your energy into packing and finishing essential chores. I am confident that exciting people and memorable experiences await you on the other side.

