“SYNCHRONICITY” A wink from the universe!?

Lets explore…

Avinash Pillai
Be Open
4 min readOct 13, 2021


Hello World!

If you have stumbled upon this post, I welcome you with a warm hello! It must be kismet. Stick with me till the end , once you have finished reading my thoughts let me know what you think on this topic. Think of it as introspective back and forth between two people over a cold one.

I am currently in the midst of making a career transition. I have been aligning my energies every day through meditation and visualization of the exact make and model of this dream job that I want to will into my reality. Like many of you out there, I too have been doing my fair share of research on the law of attraction and the powers of our subconscious mind and I am about to pen down what I have understood about this universal law and why I am absolutely certain about my ability to apply this law to co create my world.

Quantum theory posits the existence of a multiverse. Countless parallel timelines that can have every possible permutation and combination of events that can become one version of your life. We also know that time is simply a construct that allows us to create a point of reference for our existence. Since our brains are designed to only perceive things in 4 dimensions. (3 dimensions of space i.e length, breadth and depth & one dimension of time) We experience life in a linear fashion. Backwards is what we call “the past” , forward is “the future” . The past has already passed us while the future has not occurred as yet. This gives us a blank canvas in which our choices constantly create our current reality. This blank canvas is called “the present” . Both the past and the future do not exist. They are simply reference points that enable us to explain our existence. The only thing that actually exists, is the present moment. “ The now” . Being able to let go of our prejudices that were created by our past experiences and our anxieties of the unknown or our future is what we call enlightenment. As humans if we are able to disconnect ourselves from these chains of references and tap into the moment we unlock what I like to call the “stream of endless possibilities”. It is from here that we can take deliberate action to manifest our goals, dreams and desires. Our emotions and will power grant us entry into this stream and consistent faithful practice of accessing this canvas allows us to paint pictures in more detail and manifest our goals into reality at higher speeds.

I believe our emotional and mental programming in the moment allows us to constantly flow between the various timelines and your life in its entirety is created as a culmination of our thoughts and feelings in the present in continuous succession. (Did you get that?) If not let me try and explain the idea a little. You are currently sitting in front of your phone or laptop reading this sentence: (the present moment), lets call in “A” . From “A” every word you have read after, is another moment so on and so forth.

So by the time you have reached “here” , “A” is in the past and you have gone through B,C,D,E,F…all the way to infinity moments all of which are now in the past.

If we can practice focusing our thoughts and emotions on the way we want our lives to be without wavering , we will create a compounding effect that gradually creates our life’s experience. This is achieved by programming your mind and heart to always be in a state of having achieved whatever you want to manifest, (Regardless to what circumstance you might currently be in)

This brings me to the concept of the time lag. Since, we inherently fluctuate between a state of “have” and “not have” there is always an internal dissonance within us. Our ability to minimize this internal dissonance will help speed up our manifestation process and hence reduce the time lag. This time lag allows for us to work on ourselves (a little every present moment )to prepare ourselves to receive from the universe.

The Law is fundamentally sound and self fulfilling! So, one just needs to have consistent faith and patience to practice aligning themselves to their desires in the present moment. This mechanism, I have learned from personal experience, is like a muscle. The more we practice aligning ourselves in the present the better we get at it. The compound effect of being able to consistently be aligned over a period of time , pulls the desires out of the realm of thought and into our experienced realities. How awesome is that!?

P.S: I have tried articulating abstract concepts in a simple way . While it makes complete sense to me , I am curious to know if I was able to get through to you. If you have stuck with me till the end. Leave me a comment telling me if my interpretation made sense. Type “YES!” if you agree. And tell me what you think synchronicity is!




Avinash Pillai
Be Open
Writer for

I used to work in sales and marketing with the beauty industry when I stumbled upon UX.