The Memory of a Little Story From the Past

Listen to your higher self

Aswathi Ashok
Be Open


Photo by Mukul Kumar on Unsplash

There is something in her that always made her choose things her fear told her not to. “Why would anyone do such a thing to themselves?”- Is a thought that often crossed her mind. Yet she always picked the things that scared her the most. She feared being lost and yet chose to explore places alone. She feared failures yet chose to take up new challenges. She feared the weight of opinions by others yet chose to show the courage to live a life true to her most authentic self. She feared being labelled a loser yet she chose to follow her own timelines and stayed mentally free from the clutches of rules set by the society. Secretly, she knew these were things she always wanted to do but would never have done, if the choice was left to her.

Just when she thought she’d had enough of this person inside of her, taking the lead and making her do things she wasn’t ready doing. She found herself making another choice in life-of choosing to write stories. Having a fear of being judged by others, she knew what a difficult choice this was going to be. Everyone who’s observed stories closely understands that to be able to write stories one will have to be brave enough to tell the truth that stands as a backbone for all the lies that make the story. This often isn’t an easy task to do, especially not for her with the…



Aswathi Ashok
Be Open

🦋Seeker of Untold Stories and Stranger Realms. I enjoy writing Fantasy Fiction, Horror & Poetry(free verse). Writer✍🏻 |Avid Reader|Storyteller|Travel Blogger