Free Expression

The Poem That Failed To Materialize

We’ll try again tomorrow!

Gustave Deresse
Be Open
Published in
7 min readMay 21, 2022


Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash

Just write something, and go with it. Ignore the pre-‘and’ comma based criticism from ProWritingAid — you don’t need it. Just answer why you’re here:

Because I noted my stats finally rising again and didn’t want to break the publishing streak that brought me here.

Not that I’m reaching for any kind of success.

But it’s good to keep the algorithm sated in any way possible. Unless we’re considering high-quality work, in which case I can’t say I’m coming through at this time.

Does the algorithm recognize quality?

If anything, it’s more about the engagement. From there, it does its best to infer quality.

If AI makes inferences.

Neural networks operate a lot like the human brain, but I don’t know if we can identically name all the processes, or if there are simulation-based names that are more accurate.

Just because AI reaches the same conclusions as us, it doesn’t always mean it makes it the same way.

In any case, I’ve watched my numbers closely, and a single day without publishing tends to have an immediate effect on outreach.

