The Sergei Ponomarenko Story: A Glimpse into the Most Convincing Case of Time Travel

Ibrahim Ayaz
Be Open
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2023


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The idea of time travel has long captured people’s interest in the field of speculative phenomena. Many stories and ideas have been developed around the concept of time travel, but none have held up as well as the enigmatic case of Sergei Ponomarenko. Ponomarenko’s narrative stands out as a unique testimonial to the unexplainable, challenging our concept of reality itself in the annals of unexplained happenings.

The story of Sergei Ponomarenko.

Reports of Sergei Ponomarenko, an apparently unremarkable man from Novosibirsk, Russia, came to light regarding his mysterious encounters with time travel. Ponomarenko claimed that he had inadvertently discovered a network of time portals that allowed him to travel to several historical periods. Both believers and sceptics are left wondering about the fundamental structure of our understanding of time after reading his colorful descriptions and in-depth details of his travels.

The narrative of Ponomarenko starts in 2008 when he said that, while taking a regular walk in a nearby park, he accidentally stepped over a threshold that sent him back in time to the early 20th century. Researchers were astonished by his comprehensive and vivid memories of the sights, sounds, and people he encountered throughout that…



Ibrahim Ayaz
Be Open

Student of Pol Sci with an enthusiasm for writing!