The Silver Anniversary

Gillian Lesley Scott
Be Open
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2021


tom coe on Unsplash


I didn’t expect to spend some of the morning of my 25th Wedding Anniversary scooping up the burst heart of a murdered bird off the lawn.

I was supposed to be in New York.

That’s where my husband proposed, somewhat distractedly at the top of the Empire State Building all those decades ago.

I love New York .. do you know I went there just for the weekend once. I was there with my sister. We ran around like crazy trying to fit in as much sightseeing as we could given that we had to get ready to leave almost as soon as we arrived.

We tried to do so much, too much, I ended up with an evil headache and took a Tylenol …Jeez what’s in that stuff…? After a weird night feeling dizzy and disoriented I hallucinated a crazy paving angel. Good times. Another visit to the Big Apple was with my ex-husband and I was alarmingly groped on that occasion. The culprit was an intimidating giant of a random guy. That memorable incident occurred outside the cinema showing Deep Throat, I think it was.

But anyway New York Is an awesome place. As I said it’s where I’m meant to be right now. I can’t actually be anywhere else but home. My Government says so.

I can’t even go to a holiday place near home. Yes, I’m stuck at my house. I live in…



Gillian Lesley Scott
Be Open

Monologues and wee stories about not being a Good Little woman. Trying to act for the highest good of all... not necessarily succeeding