The Story of Strawberries..

Ananya Agrawal
Be Open
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2023

If you follow my articles, you’re aware that my mother is a dedicated nature lover. Our home is adorned with around 50 plants, each with its unique story. Some change with the seasons, among those seasonal plants , strawberries reserves its place for winters.:)

November and October mark the time when we pay special attention to these strawberry plants, as I live in a tropical country and winters are the season for them.

While our strawberry cultivation isn’t on a large scale, we nurture approximately 8 plants. In return, these plants gift us around 2–3 strawberries on a daily basis on an average during the months of December, January, and February.

Despite the relatively modest yield, we cannot resist harvesting them. After all, they are our homegrown strawberries. The freshness and flavor of these strawberries are unmatched, and they simply melt in our mouths.

Coming to the topic ..

Every time I look at these strawberries, I am reminded of the marvel of nature. These tiny, red delights are more than just fruit – they are tiny balls of joy, bursting with sweetness and the essence of pure oxygen. They are a testament to the wonders of the natural world, and they hold meaning beyond words.

The Mysterious Bumps: Seeds of Possibility

Upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that the surface of a strawberry is adorned with tiny, almost imperceptible bumps.

These are not ordinary; they are seeds in the making.

Each bump harbors the potential to germinate into a new strawberry plant, bearing a fresh crop of these delectable red gems.

The next generation of strawberries lies concealed within these bumps, awaiting the opportunity to sprout and continue the legacy.

Life Encapsulated

When we consume a strawberry, we partake in nature’s miracle.

We savor the fruit, but we also ingest the potential for more strawberries to come.

It’s a beautiful reminder that the essence of life can be found in the smallest and simplest of things.

A Lesson in Appreciation

The next time you enjoy a bowl of strawberries or pluck one fresh from the garden, take a moment to admire these tiny bumps.

Each one represents a world of possibilities, a silent promise that life will continue in the most unassuming forms.

In this hurried world, where we often overlook the beauty of the ordinary, strawberries serve as a gentle reminder. They show us that even the most minute elements of nature have stories to share, lessons to impart, and a profound beauty to offer.

Nature’s designs, whether in the grandeur of forests or the intricacy of strawberries, are an invitation to pause, appreciate, and celebrate the marvels that surround us.

For Nature’s admirer : Winter is coming

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