Great, Great, Great Grandmother!

The Unexpected Inheritance

Walkie talkie piggy bank

Wicked Diya Saini
Be Open


This voluminous pink Piggy was a big surprise that came this morning. It came as more overtaking than a surprise.

Logically similar to my walk in the vicinity, an alien dog communicates furiously. Without any given option, I backtrack unknown mysteries by connecting the dots. It’s the result of the hostility of my animal Oreo that he constructs during my absenteeism with his dog walker. That’s referred to as more than a surprise with delivering you to resemble stupid — Stupefied.

To begin with, I had a 10-minute debate with the messenger for not allowing this blown-up grenade to enter my premises.

The messenger had all the evidence that stood in the way of my winning. He had an authenticated document that reads my name in addition to my nickname (imagine that nobody knows other than yes, my ancestral beings)

Piggy. Yes, you heard it correctly.

Which had a private pitch he started blatantly. I wanted to press his throat, although, I resisted by kicking his leg, expressing, read softly, my dog will learn.

He hauled on Piggy. Do you still draw your belly rubbed, slumber nose to nose & yodel like a pig?

The courier guy gazed in a rage unleashed, your name is Piggy, your behavior of hog. Then the upright structure is pork. I’m not claiming it’s been a waste of my valuable time. I wish the shipper had stuck your face to this hog. He disappeared in a Firebolt breeze. Forgetting me, Piggy & Oreo growl nonstop at the unwanted arrival.

I resolved to let it relax in the porch area just in case it owned a concealed bomb. The birds around seemed higher excited than me on this lifeless mammoth arrival. I conceived, let them savor. I slid my dog Oreo inside just in case there was a change in his mind. Was he adopted turning on the same path as he continues wild amidst his other playthings taking the sex position in fun?

I didn’t want animal activists, toy manufacturers or women power to bring unwanted sexual charges against me; Piggy & Oreo citation us in a threesome.

Piggy got my attention on her nose. Yes, I know they have prominent enormous nostrils installed on a horizontal tunnel arrangement denoted, making its mouth proceed invisibly through its presence. The headline also survives nullified where instead of uniting their head’s when sleeping, they pressured on sticking to each other’s nozzle. That’s called ego-free nose power.

As opposed to humans, our egos from inside make their homes on our noses, making us look down on each other.

It featured like a push-button. I pushed it. Then there was no blocking of Piggy. First, she started chanting Oink Oink Oink. I am your grandmother (multiply by 3). Rip my belly. My prized possessions are here, and I want you to destroy them forever. You were the only soul I could trust. Furthermore gave up stating anything, just singing oink oink oink again.

I quickly performed a cesarean on the tummy, begetting enough for thrusting my hand to prod & pull.

— Ouch, a cactus branch with spines stretched out with a summary declaring my vagina toy in old age. Nothing used to pierce in my goddamn wobbly shaft.

— Yuck! — A set of an artificial set of teeth that contained a slip slipping out of the teeth. Myself & your great (multiply by 3) grandfather never went absent on our teeth. It preceded in giving him a blow job as I could not take his stink in my oral rotting jaws. I Sirened YUCK YUCK YUCK again.

— Then two rubber ducks with a tag we could not yell & hear that sharp either while ingesting anything sexual we arranged these loud ducks on squeezing their necks is the loudest you can execute them cry.

— Then, another search, I scanned through a bottle brush with a label declaring Anal Sex.

— One article has been racing here & there, ultimately. I could command, pulling it out. It was a sand timer that had a note in answering. We forever had a timed performance for both of us, obliging in giving pleasure to each other, we kept a score on par. Nobody gets more or less.

I am staring into these sexual gadgets. Instead of destroying them, have cast them on sale on a website as Antique Sex Art pieces used by Old Kings & Queens.



Wicked Diya Saini
Be Open

A Wonder Woman steers The Wicked Humor Monopolize Publication