Thorny Beauty Embraced

A Prose on Resilience

Sumaya Ali [Veronica Thompson-Smith]
Be Open
3 min readMar 23, 2024


Alfred-Stephens@NightCafe.AI [Author's Image]

Within the garden of my soul, among blossoms of joy and the aroma of my dreams, there left lingering memories of a different type. All the chaos, scars, and hardness of life, I can still sense the presence of my thorns.

Such a suffocating enveloping sensation, tells a story of the moments when strength faltered and hope seemed distant. Imprints of old wounds are patterns ingrained in the very depths of my soul. Every thorn locks a pain that had to be swallowed, each of them tells of some obscure wars waged where no eyes can see. They take me along the times I shed tears of blood.

Alfred-Stephens@NightCafe.AI [Author’s Image]

My petals and thorns do not signify just my sufferings. They are the vehicle of the indomitably brave soul that unperturbedly carried on amidst all that it confronted before the end.

Petals that refuse to be crushed by the weight of adversity. But, shine as a reminder that if you are lost in the darkest hours of your life, there is that inherent human nature in you that will not be extinguished.

My skin, the layer, I trace their contours with tender fingers. The flow of life beneath the veil is displayed. They are a part of me. Though they may hurt and be the cause of pain at times, they are also a source of wisdom, teaching me lessons that only scars can impart.

So, I embrace my briars and petals. I cherish them, for they are both integral to who I am. They speak of the wonder that it is, the course of life, which is most beautiful and perfect when I pass through its pain.

But I am still growing. And as I continue to bloom, I carry within me the knowledge that pain, beauty, and strength often reside as the properties of the soul, that like the forbidden fruit, surround us using their hidden and undeniable natures as life’s lesson.

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Sumaya Ali [Veronica Thompson-Smith]
Be Open

Nurse. Volunteer. Writer. Publish my works. Chocolate addict Follow me@Twitter-valiqa_ali. Facebook@Sumaya