Untitled ~ Eco Poem



"Do you love nature?
Do you consider it as a gift?"

The urge to abandon civilization.
Flee to the beauty of nature.
Away from the rush
And confusion of today's society.
Away from the government
And all the dishonesty and toxicity.

"Does it inspire you?
Does it enrich you?"

Just to escape and connect
With the wonder of the wilderness.
To fall in love with the splendor of the forest.

"Does it sing to you?"

To be swept away,
And become enveloped in flowers and foliage
Of a life-giving habitat.
Away from the chaos of a disoriented world.

Do you love nature?
Do you consider it a gift?

Does it inspire you?
Does it enrich you?
Does it sing to you?

Then give back.
Find a cause.
Show nature,
How much you care.



Hajj Munga - 'Mr. Environment.'
Be Open

Environmentalist & Community Developer by Profession, Eco Advocate, Poet, Project Writer, Top Eco Poet, Top Eco Articles Writer... Email: mungahajj@gmail.com.