War and humanity: Why they don’t meet for everyone?

Elisabeta D
Be Open
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2023

War has deeply affected me, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Lately, I’ve avoided publishing articles because my emotions were unstable, and I didn’t want to write about just anything. My goal is to bring positivity and hope, but I’ve decided it’s time to confront this issue and seek solutions.

It’s clear that war brings much suffering; death is a topic that evokes many emotions and thoughts. It was terrible for me to see how, for some people, death was a reason for joy, and it was difficult not to judge such behavior, even though I know that’s not what I should do.

It’s important to note that I don’t take sides, as I don’t believe it’s a healthy choice. On both sides, there are innocent people who only desire a life without worries but are forced to be part of groups that kill or risk being killed or facing losses.

Over 6000 children have been killed in Gaza
since October 7

I would like to delve deeper into the conflict between Gaza and Israel, even though I think that common people like us, far from the great powers, only know a small part of the reality. Recalling past conflicts, isn’t it true that citizens didn’t know their leaders were killing innocent people? Truth came out after many years and lots of deaths.

Nero set fire to Rome, resulting in the deaths of many people. He falsely blamed Christians for the fire and subjected them to brutal executions as punishment.
Stalin, responsable for the deaths of at least 20 million people
Mussolini, responsable for the deaths of at least 1 million people and Hittler, responsable for the deaths of at least 16 million of people

As usual, people, whether involved in the war or not, stand against each other with very different points of view, but they are convinced by their own motivation. Meanwhile, entire families are destroyed; how can this be right?

Over 14.500 people have been killed in Gaza since October 7

People who approve the killing of thousands, regardless of their nationality and culture, forget that it was just chance to be born in a country not affected by war.

If our family were the target of bombs just because we were born into that culture, would we be so quick to judge and support government decisions?

It’s always the citizens who have to lose, but we always forget this and realize years later when the disaster has already happened. An example that cannot be forgotten is indeed the Jews on Hitler time. Yet, there are some among them who call for bloodshed and celebrate when bombs are launched.

We continue to forget while others benefit and rely on it, using sweet words and motivational phrases in the meantime.

It’s not about motivation; it’s about losses. Every time we celebrate the destruction of other lives, we lose a piece of our humanity. It’s not about who is right but the lack of empathy and love towards each other.

Today, we’ve learned to love only "if" and "if not," but how often do we ask ourselves if we are always worthy of being loved? What if all our negative actions and thoughts were exposed? I think many people would respond that we are imperfect humans, as justification. But isn’t that the truth for everyone?

I invite you to reflect before judging and condemning whether we are worthy of being judges, free of errors, and perfect in making correct decisions.

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Elisabeta D
Be Open

"Writer exploring relationships, life, and a healthy mindset. Join me on a journey of insight and growth. 🌱✍️"