Warriors Let Their Light Shine

A Survivor of Emotional Abuse

Cheryl Laroche (aka Jezebelle Darling)
Be Open


Created by Author with Bing AI Image Creator (Warriors-letting-their-light-shine-through-them.)

This image was from a prompt Derek Morgan mentioned in the first brick of his new project to herald the survivors of abuse through the literary works of creative writers each week, he calls, Wednesdays Warriors.


Oola is my inner child, and she has been hidden for so long in her/my life. She was born in my four-year-old self’s imaginary world where I was loved and happy, because Oola’s world was much safer for my tender, eager heart.

I was fastidious about including her in all family activities and events. Setting a place for her at the dinner table and picking out her clothes for bed. My parents played along for a while but then grew tired of “this game of yours". I was soon punished, spanked, if I mentioned her. I forgot Oola because I was not loved when she was with me. She hurt me and got me spanked, not once, not twice…either. (Oola will be featured in her own story…don’t worry!)

The neglect started to mount as my baby brother was becoming sicker by the day until he was hospitalized. I was sent to my maternal grandmother and grandfather’s home for “in a while", as my mother hastily explained to me when I asked, “when she would come for me”. As we bundled up my things in a suitcase, I didn’t realize there were so many



Cheryl Laroche (aka Jezebelle Darling)
Be Open

Empathically gifted, interested in pleasures of the soul, having an unquenchable yearning for knowledge about humankind and the psychology research behind it.