What Four Days of Not Being Published Did to My Medium Stats

It was worse than I thought it would be…

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

I never wanted the break to happen. I didn’t do anything to make it happen either. I was writing all throughout the four day hiatus from being published, but I simply wasn’t getting published!

I submitted to more than three publications within the four days I wasn’t published for and I didn’t get accepted nor declined from any of them. I don’t know why it happened or how it happened, but I really wish it didn’t.

Photo provided by the author

Above are my stats, and as you can see they plummeted the moment I stopped getting published. The circles underneath each day reflect how many stories of mine got published or if any articles got published.

In a matter of four days, my views went from around an average of 200 to an average of 20–30. I’m not upset with this and I’m not complaining, however, I want this to be an example for any other writers on Medium.

As you can see, my stats didn’t perform too well when I didn’t get published, and that is expected. However, this decline is a lot more than I expected, and a lot faster than I expected…



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Hi there! I'm Nick, and I recently started taking a break from Quora to pursue a career on Medium! I hope you enjoy my content! https://ko-fi.com/nick52294