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What has to happen, will happen anyway

Is the destiny unchangeable?

Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2014


The man said to the woman “Tell me something about my future” and the woman answered “You are in the process of big change in the field of personal life, a long-term relationship is about to be broken. It will happen suddenly and it will be very stressful, and you will feel guilty. Don´t!”

After a short pause, she continued “This has to happen and nobody can help it, a new relationship will come soon. The new person is younger than you and she will be on the active side. There will be great passion as she is full of energy. However, there won´t be any marriage. She does not believe in relations, based on signatures. She will be either a foreigner or an Italian, born abroad. It will be a real adventure, you will travel together and will get familiar with different cultures.”

He answered, “So… a new beginning is coming?”

“Yes, it is a new beginning, and yes, it will be difficult. But better to be sorry for doing things, than to be sorry for not doing them. Be strong, be brave, be yourself.”

“Who is she?” asked the man.

“You met her on a short trip abroad. You don´t believe in Love at first sight, but this time it was… special! You noticed the sparkles in her eyes… and you tried to put barriers between you two, as you usually do. It is an old Aquarian trick for keeping distance to be objective. However, we cannot be objective in Love… you put barriers in front of her and you suddenly found her at your side, beyond any limits. I see a woman not very tall, not very low, slim figure, long wavy hair till shoulders. Her hair is a very strange color, some mixture between dark blond and orange, with goldish nuances in sunlight. Her face is a little bit long, her eyes are brown. Her manners are sudden, and she has some boyish charm. She cannot play games, she says always the truth, and this is what you like most in her… her directness. There is a strong Aries and Sagittarius mark in her natal horoscope, she is a conqueror, a woman-warrior. Another amazing thing is how she can suddenly become very female, for sure, she will be the active side in the relationship. And she loves you very much.”

He stood up, did a short walk, and said “Please continue.”

“What is different from your previous relations is that now you two have a common cause to fight for, a common target to direct your energies, be ready… it is happening now…”

“I feel not ready for this…” said the man.

“You are, be direct with her, yet keep your diplomacy. Discuss with her what you feel, and think, and make common strategies. She is very intuitive and also very sensitive. Going abroad together, in a new, unknown environment, and exploring it, will be creative for the relationship. The previous relationship has not ended yet, there is overlapping and you feel divided into two. Do something to resolve this, as soon as possible, otherwise it will be an unbearable inner tension for you. Explain to both sides… though it will be very difficult, and don´t ask the previous one the typical question: ‘Can we remain Friends?’… because you two cannot… sometimes it is not possible.”

She took a long breath and continued “Love and Friendship, as any other kind of human relation, have at least two sides. You cannot take whole the responsibility on yourself. You should not feel guilty, clarify the situation with the previous one… be prepared there will be a lot of tension and stress. You look at Sexual Acts as a Sacrament, it is something holy for you. Your Raising sign is Virgo, which means strong analytical skills and an eye for key details. You will have a child from it. A boy!”

He was very nervous and his voice became loud “When will happen? When???”

“Natal Venus will make exact conjunction with the transitioning Uranus next February, which means a passionate, stormy, unpredictable Love affair. This date is a kind of culmination of a story that started some time ago. Remember: what has to happen, will happen, what cannot happen naturally, will happen in a supernatural one!”

The woman stood up and walked away leaving the man alone, he did a sigh and looked at the image reflected in the mirror, and after a while, he shouted to himself “Be strong, be brave, be yourself! What has to happen, will happen anyway!”



Be Open

Jazzing up following my narrative self, grandfather, audiophile, and unknown novel writer.