When I Asked My Mom About Feminism: An Eye-Opening Conversation

Sometimes, the biggest life lessons come from the most unexpected sources

Nathan Chen
Be Open


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Growing up, conversations around the dinner table in my household were as unpredictable as a random number generator. One day, we’d be deciphering the unfathomable mysteries of my dad’s favorite Chinese dramas, the next, decoding the economic principles behind Monopoly. However, nothing, and I mean nothing, prepared me for the day when the word “feminism” popped up in a casual chat with my mother.

Now, don’t get me wrong, my mother is one intelligent woman. She can solve Sudoku puzzles faster than I can figure out how to correctly pronounce “quinoa” (keen-wah, really?), and she can navigate technology with surprising agility for someone who thinks Snapchat is a brand of breakfast cereal. But discussing feminism? This was new territory.

So, Mom,” I began, innocently enough, “What do you think about feminism?”

The subsequent conversation was both amusing and enlightening. So grab your cup of coffee (or green tea, or kombucha, or whatever you fancy these days) and let me take you through this unexpected journey of understanding, love, and a whole lot of ‘oh really?’ moments.

Decoding the F-word



Nathan Chen
Be Open

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!