Who I Did NOT Become

Lots of things, but I’ll narrow it down to three

Brandon Ellrich
Be Open


I didn’t become this guy. Photo by Daniil Lobachev on Unsplash

The guy in the photo came up second when I typed in “Who I didn’t become.” The first image was a drawing of the Lady and the Tramp with a string of spaghetti between them. You know the scene. I didn’t become them either, but it didn’t make as much sense as using this guy.

Who I Did NOT Become

I did not become a famous concert pianist

Why not? What does it take to be a famous concert pianist?

  1. Dedication — I do not have enough dedication to the art of piano playing to practice multiple hours every day.
  2. Extreme love of music — Do I love music? Yes. Does it fill every fiber of my being? No. Sometimes I turn off the radio in my car because I prefer silence. I don’t listen to music very often at home either. I don’t like the constant distraction that music waves about. If I’m writing or reading, forget it. I can’t concentrate.
  3. Showmanship — Do I like attention? Sometimes. Do I use my hands when I talk? Umm… I AM gay, remember (that’s a yes). Am I flamboyant and arrogant? No. Not that all performers must have such qualities, but it seems to boost their level of fame.



Brandon Ellrich
Be Open

I write satire, LGBTQ, and cat stories. I'm an author/freelance writer. I have a B.S. in psychology and my goal in writing is to evoke emotion from the reader.