Why Being ‘Nice’ is Overrated and What to Be Instead

Stop killing them with kindness, aim for authenticity

Nathan Chen
Be Open


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Look, I’ve been around long enough to know that ‘nice’ is society’s default setting, a one-size-fits-all cloak people wear because, frankly, it’s easier. Now, before you throw your cup of artisanal tea at the screen, hear me out. The glorification of ‘nice’ has to stop. Being ‘nice’ is overrated, outdated, and, dare I say it, a bit cowardly.

The Hamster Wheel of ‘Nice’

Why do we place such an emotional premium on being ‘nice’? It’s like running in a hamster wheel with no exit. From childhood, we’re conditioned to aim for this nebulous state of ‘niceness,’ where you nod at everyone’s opinions, avoid conflict like the plague, and are as harmless as a cashmere scarf. But where does that really get you?

It turns you into what I like to call a “yes man” (or woman, or whatever label you’re comfortable with; it’s 2023, folks). You’re so eager to please that you’ve dulled the edges that make you you. And trust me, rounded edges are boring.

The Problem with ‘Nice’: It’s a Façade

When you’re ‘nice,’ it’s almost as if you’re wearing an emotional burqa. You hide behind layers of agreeableness, not letting the…



Nathan Chen
Be Open

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!