Winter and water!

Pratibha Verma
Be Open
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2023

Hey, there! The chilling winter has come, so I thought of sharing my way with it.

I was always prone to coughs and colds and had unwanted contact with water in the winter.

By contact, I mean every touch. Contact during dishes, washing clothes, wiping the floor, and even drinking water.

No, I don’t do regular chores, but sometimes my mom asks me to help. Then, getting aware of not helping mostly, I help her. Someday, I will tell you about my mom being a talented woman. She cooks so well and has multiple skills.

Okay, then back to my struggle with water in the winter.

I have hated winters since childhood because of my hypersensitivity to the cold. My mom told me about my pneumonia at six months. Then, my grandma saved me by warming me near a heater. She was angry with my mom for bathing and repeatedly said in anxiety, ‘’You made her die.’’ I think since then, baths don’t go well with me. Haha! Well, my mom and my grandma have had quite a good bond.

With age, my sensitivity towards colds has thankfully lessened, as you have no idea that in my teenage years, once my nose ran continuously for an hour during class. My handkerchief was the witness getting drowned in a thick liquid, and it made me feel like punching myself after being highly uncomfortable in front of my math teacher, especially if you have a little crush on him. I put all my human efforts into hiding my runny nose, but it was getting difficult with my lame handkerchief. I am sure now that he understood the whole scenario. At that time, I was 16 years old.

Until my blanket is on, I feel like a bear chilling in hibernation. Sorry, I mean warming in hibernation. But as a tiny space is left, the wind brings my dream to doom and blows on my warm body, especially in my ears and feet.

I hate the ‘’whizzzz of air.''

Don’t you think that morning air seems to be kept in the freezer and released to chill our bones? I was never in favor of bathing until my mother pulled me to the bathroom. Literary, ‘’pulled’’! Winters had always made me turn into a snail, slow and hidden in the shell. Sometimes, I even carried my blanket everywhere in the house, even in the kitchen.

It's not just baths; drinking water has also been a big struggle sometimes. It felt like drinking solid snow and getting an electric shock. As the winter increases, my heater can understand my expectations and run smoothly. Sometimes, I spend half a day sitting in front of it, and the electricity bill takes a chance to get rich in units. At least someone is getting rich because of my winter excuses.

Today, I am happy to have conquered my fear of winter to a good extent with time. Winter was a little crazy for me, but with time, I can finally feel in rhythm with it.

