Creative Crisis

Creative crisis is a dead end of a senseless way.



Let’s make a simple experiment. Let’s say aloud all the words we know (or ask your friend to do so). We’ll easily find first ten words. Then we’ll start reciting the objects we see in the room — that will make ten more words. Then we’ll recall a couple of unusual words from our vocabulary. Then we’ll stop, because we’ll run out of words.

If we’ll try to describe anything we know in our own words, there won’t be any word deficiency. Some will describe better, some worse — that will determine one’s level of accomplishment. But no one will run out of words during a simple description.

Ideas crisis can occur only in case a creator makes intention to create something original and unusual.

You can’t simply create original and unusual out of nothing, but you can do it in the process of working on a specifiс task. In the same way description differs from saying words.

Creative crisis is a dead end of a senseless way.

