A Brother’s Promise


Waqas Ahmad
Reaching Hearts
1 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Through life’s tempest and calm, we stand side by side,
Bound by a bond that time cannot divide.
Brothers by birth, companions through the years,
Our love unwavering, banishing all fears.

I promise to cherish every precious moment we share,
To support your dreams and lighten every care.
To lend a helping hand, no matter the cost,
To be your unwavering pillar, whatever the frost.

Through laughter and tears, we’ll navigate life’s way,
Our bond unbreakable, come what may.
I promise to protect you, with all my might,
To shield you from harm, both day and night.

In the face of adversity, we’ll stand as one,
Our love a beacon, guiding us in the sun.
Together we’ll conquer, divided we’ll fall,
Brothers by blood, forever we’ll stand tall.

I promise to be there when life throws its blows,
To lift you up, to ease your sorrows.
To be a constant source of strength and grace,
To help you find your smile, to light up your face.

Through life’s journey, we’ll walk hand in hand,
Brothers united, a force on the land.
May our love forever endure,
An unbreakable bond, a treasure pure.

