A Soulful Smile

Rupal Teotia 🌻
Reaching Hearts
Published in
1 min readJul 20, 2024
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

I believe a smile has a special language of its own.

Everyone has a different smile, though not all smiles are smiles alone.

Here is a dedicated piece of poetry for a pure smile of a beautiful soul.


There is a soul of smile

It creaks in deep wounds

Hiding behind the purity

Of its sanguine tune

It says a lot when it speaks

About all seasons of its life

Spreading pearls from its peak

For a second, somewhere it rests

To unfold it’s wider lip of tracks

A happy train of serene honks

Telling stories from passengers of

Old chapters and childhood tours

Longing of love & some to pour

It’s a language of a peaceful bearer

Who met people as a cheerer

Flapping and flopping around

A mesmerising gala

Of a soulful song.


If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands



Rupal Teotia 🌻
Reaching Hearts

I craft some light hearted stories. I am seeking genuine readers/writers to grow with.