Photo by Kate Mishchankova on Unsplash

Aunt B’s and Jessica’s Missing Baby Fiasco

A True Story Sends Everyone Rolling with Laughter!

Betty Rohlic
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2023


In a side-splitting comedy of errors, Aunt B found herself at the heart of a frantic search for her niece Jessica’s daughter, Levin. The whole episode took a ridiculous turn, leaving everyone in stitches!

One lazy afternoon, Betty was lounging on her bed, playing her games on her phone. Unbeknownst to her, Jessica was continuously trying to sneak by, but her anxious demeanor gave her away. With a look of sheer panic, Jessica raced around the house, slamming doors and cabinets, all while desperately calling out for Levin.

Confused and intrigued, Betty couldn’t resist hollering out to her niece, "What on earth is happening, Jess? Are you auditioning for a reality show or something?"

With tears of worry in her eyes, Jessica replied, "Aunt B, I can't find Levin!"

At that moment, Betty's mischievous sense of humor took control, and she teased, "Oh come on, Jess! This has to be a prank! You're just trying to pull my leg, right? Levin is probably napping somewhere, dreaming of ice cream and giggles!"

But Jessica wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Aunt B, this is no time to be funny. My baby girl is missing!"

It was then that Betty decided to pull off the ultimate prank. She got up from the bed, held her hands to her head dramatically, and cried out, "Oh no! My memory! Who am I? Where am I?"

Jessica's eyes widened, thinking her aunt had gone bonkers. "Aunt B, please! Focus! We need to find Levin!"

Betty couldn't keep it up any longer and burst into laughter. "Jess, my dear, you're holding Levin in your arms right now!"

As realization dawned on Jessica's face, she turned beet red from embarrassment. The tension in the room dissolved into uproarious laughter as they both laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

The hilarious incident quickly became a viral sensation, with Aunt B’s antics charming the hearts of YouTubers. Social media was abuzz with funny memes and hashtags like #LevinTheInvisible and #AuntBThePrankster.

From that day on, whenever Levin went missing (which was just her playing hide-and-seek), the family fondly recalled the unforgettable moment when Aunt Betty had everyone fooled. And, of course, they made sure to capture every new escapade on camera, making memories that would keep them laughing for years to come.



Betty Rohlic
Reaching Hearts

I am a versatile freelance writer with a passion for poetry, captivating articles, engaging list blogs, and compelling short fiction and non-fiction stories.