Do Good to Others


Waqas Ahmad
Reaching Hearts
2 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

In the quiet moments of dawn,
as the world awakens,
a simple truth stirs within,
a call to kindness.

No grand gestures needed,
no accolades required,
just the gentle touch of humanity,
in every small act.

A smile to a stranger,
a hand to the weary,
a word of encouragement,
to those lost in the storm.

In the tapestry of life,
each thread of goodness we weave,
brightens the whole,
a shared light in the darkness.

For in giving, we receive,
in lifting others, we rise,
bound by the unseen threads,
of compassion and grace.

So let us do good,
not for praise or recognition,
but for the quiet joy it brings,
to our hearts and to the world.

In the simplest of acts,
the smallest of deeds,
we find the essence of our being,
and the true meaning of love.

“Do Good to Others” underscores the profound impact of kindness and compassion in our daily lives. It highlights the beauty of small, selfless acts and their ability to create ripples of positivity and connection.

The poem serves as a gentle reminder that the essence of humanity lies in our capacity to uplift one another, weaving a brighter, more compassionate world through our shared actions.

