Do Not Lose Your Hope

Hopes and Dreams one step at a time


Photo of a hand with a little yellow wildflower, in the background there is a green mountain with trees and a cloudy sky.
Photo by Kawin Harasai on Unsplash

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your surroundings or by what is happening in your life?

I do, too.

Everyone feels that occasionally. The important thing is to maintain our hopes and dreams in the process.

I have complex health needs, and when I am overwhelmed by a terrible health day, week, or month, I sometimes lose perspective beyond my own body. I don´t blame myself, when everything hurts and you are incapable of seeing the light in your life, remaining hope is not a priority.

In those dark days, maybe it should be.

I am not talking about “being positive” when we already are doing our best, I am talking about not losing what keeps us grounded to Earth, our hope, our dreams, that are achievable to our reality, the ones that we can work on, one step at a time.

Hope is to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might — Cambridge Dictionary

I love to study, and last year I began to study Psychology online, it would be my second career, and I want to enjoy the learning experience, so far, I am loving it.

I love reading, and for years I could not do it for pleasure, it was too tiring. But this year I started to read again, little by little, first encyclopedias, and next were books that I already read, and now, seven months later I can finally read new books. I discovered that it needs to have a relatively large font, and I need to do more pauses than I used to, but I am reading, and I am loving it. Because I do not lose hope in it.

This year, I also started to write online here to express myself and not lose hope in myself, and I have encountered so many lovely writers who are a true inspiration, only with their presence I am full of hope and love, and I dream to continue writing and someday publish books on my experience and what I know.

I love swimming, but I can´t swim right now, I hope that in a couple of years, I will. I am in physical therapy, and one of my goals is to come to a physical state where I can swim again.

I dream of a future when I can do the things I love, and if I can’t, I hope I can dream again and enrich my life every day anyway.

What are your dreams and hopes? I would love to read about it

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I wrote for free, so If you would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee!



Valentina Cecilia - Valentía Crónica
Reaching Hearts

Hello! I'm Vale, I write about my autistic life with chronic illnesses and disability, I also reflect on life itself.