Eyes never lie

This is the fifth question from the 15 days challenge.

Nivia Nuria
Reaching Hearts
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Question five: What is more difficult for you, looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling them how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

This question!!!

Never really thought of it.

What do you see?

It is very deep.

Looking into someone’s eyes when I am telling them how I feel is pretty easy for me. I find it easier to express myself. I would only remove eye contact when I see you are uncomfortable with it.

But you see looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling me how they feel, whoaa!! It is very difficult.

It is scary to look and see every emotion in their eyes.

I believe the eyes are the light of the body. They hold every emotion; they hold your true feelings. The eyes show emotion before the body does, and sometimes even when you try to hide it. There is a saying that says, “The eyes never lie.”

So I am scared to look into someone else’s eyes and tell an emotion so contrary to what they are saying that it is heart-wrenching. Or to see how genuine you are that my eyes might water.

Regardless, I am working on it so I will be able to stand whatever your eyes tell me.

