Friendship and Friendliness: The Sine Qua Non of Our Time

Writing on Medium and other platforms can help us make real friends through exchange of benefitting ideas

Chinedu V. Onyema
Reaching Hearts
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

The story by

recently gave me an invaluable insight into the concept of friendship. God bless you real good by the way, ma’am.

Of course, everybody may not be our friend but we ought to be friendly with everyone, as decent human beings. The role of friends and friendship cannot be overemphasized in a fast becoming friendless world.

Kindly click to read her story, by the way.⬇️

Friendship via the Internet is one of the newest ways of connecting with people. Writing on platforms is a sub-genre of it. No man can afford to be an island in a complex world of ours.

Sounding like a cliche, there is nevertheless an overriding realism that we need each other or one another, or both. We need them “to survive” as a popular gospel song would put it. Beyond survival, we need friends for sustenance of happiness, love and development.

One key thing central in friendship and friendliness is love. We cannot ignore this fact.

I was a social media novice four years ago. Thanks (and no thanks) to the global pandemic.

During the global lockdown period, I had to try surfing the internet. That was how I stumbled unto the Facebook.

Lo and behold, I discovered friends and friendships of decades earlier. We were mutually excited to be reconnected to each other.

That was how one thing led to the other until an extremely good friend sent me a link to read his story on Medium. For one technical reason or the other, the link could not go through.

Much later, however, that was how I found myself here. Being here has incredibly afforded me the great opportunity to meet great and influential Medians today.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the special mentions here are for the demonstration of friendship and friends on Medium and not a spam-like venture. Consequently, any of the mentioned friends could yet indicate if they are not comfortable with it (and instant corrections would be made).

Without fear of contradictions, I would say

is my great friend. He did not just admit me into his pub, he privately contacted me when there was a technical hitch to process my first story on his publication: Reaching Hearts.

He would highlight, clap and comment each time he publishes. That’s a wonderful encouragement especially to a new writer.

The Love Pub founder and editor,

is my good friend. She made me an editor on Medium.♥️

is not just an editor but a very good friend who would go to any length to help out to promote your work.

Of course, the trio of:

, and are “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”. They are too wonderfully lovely to be ignored: in all its ramification, denotation, and connotations.♥️👍🙏🤣

What could I say of

and of the Express Impact and Spot On firms, respectively? They are die-hard friends (to borrow the sporting-world term).

I would not forget

who is a very wonderful personal friend. The likes of , , and are too good friends who are too good to be ignored.

I could go on and on but I refuse to. The reason is for the sake of decency, and because many others are also great friends whose friendship I cherish, they would understand.

In the final analysis, friendship is a gift from God hence, it is a sine qua non in human affairs. If Jesus could have Mary, Martha and Lazarus as friends, who are we?

He even went ahead to address His disciples as “friends”. We cannot afford to be more Catholic than the Pope — even on the Medium platform.



Chinedu V. Onyema
Reaching Hearts

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."