Heart Beats in Love


Waqas Ahmad
Reaching Hearts
1 min readMay 21, 2024


Photo by Ty Tomlinson on Unsplash

Oh, heartbeats, quick and strong, a symphony untold,
A rhythm of desire, a story left to unfold.
In the quiet of the night, a whisper soft and low,
A pulse that quickens, a fire that starts to glow.

A gentle touch, a stolen glance, a whispered word so sweet,
Each fluttering beat intensifies, the joy complete.
In the rush of anticipation, a crescendo of delight,
Two hearts entwined, a universe of pure, bright light.

The tempo changes, slows to a gentle, soothing beat,
A comfort found in the closeness, a love so deep and sweet.
In moments of shared laughter, the rhythm starts to soar,
A melody of happiness, forevermore.

But even when the shadows fall, the doubts and fears arise,
The heartbeat still persists, a love that never dies.
A beacon through the darkness, a lifeline in the storm,
A constant, steady rhythm, keeping love safe and warm.

So, let the heartbeats echo, a love song for the soul,
A testament to passion, a story to be told.
For in each beat, a promise, a vow forever true,
To love and cherish, a lifetime through and through.

