Self-love Insight

How I Let Go of Thinking That Love Hurts

And found my true Love

Carolina Cummins | Lead with Love
Reaching Hearts
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2024


Two white swans forming a heart with their necks
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Have you gone through unloving relationships and, at the end, thought, ‘Love hurts’?

For most of my life, I felt hurt when I didn’t get the love I thought I should have. I longed for love, needed it, and assumed I am not wanted.

You can say that assumption has been my biggest life lesson.

And now all that is history!

Years ago, I found one easy process that I’ve been using to move me out of that reoccurring hurt whenever it arose.

I will share with you what I did to end your inner pain, but let me first explain that love can never hurt you.

When you thought Love hurts

When your boyfriend stands you up for the second time and doesn’t really explain why, you probably feel disrespected instead of loved.

Or when he tells you ‘I love you’ but chooses to hang out with his friends more than spending time with you, it hurts.

Or perhaps you’ve endured the painful experience of being betrayed, discovering he’s seeing another woman, and now you want nothing to do with men, convinced that ‘love hurts’.

