I Am a Child at Heart

This is the twelfth question on this exciting fifteen days adventure.

Nivia Nuria
Reaching Hearts
3 min readJun 5, 2024


Question twelve: How are you still like a little kid?

Well, well, well…

We arrived at my most favourite question.

I am a kid at heart.

I keep a sense of wonder to the world.

I maintain innocence. I am always willing to learn.

To know everything like my Aunt used to say.

If I don’t know, I am on the internet searching for answers, looking for a million answers to one question.

My mantra is “ To know something about everything, and if possible to know everything about something”.

I retain purity. I intentionally practice humility and when I trust, I trust because you earned it. I trust without doubts or suspicions, but that doesn’t mean I would not know falsehood when I see one.

To remain simple, but that doesn’t mean I am naive or gullible.

Sometimes, I would do something, and people would think I was doing it for some noble or grandiose reason, while I was just doing it to satisfy my curiosity. It is that simple.

Some adults just love to complicate things.

I accept responsibilities, but I don’t let them weigh me down. I am alive in the moment, and I am forever open to change.

I am teachable, and I ask honest questions.

My love is pure, and so is my compassion and care.

I love the simple things of life, and they make me happy.

I see a butterfly and my face lit up and you will catch me pointing and sometimes laughing happily at how stunning and beautiful the colour scheme of its wings are, creating the most impressive balance.

I see an insect I have never come across and you will find me snapping and googling to know its name.

I pick flowers on my way home from school.

I hear a song play on your phone and I am coming to you to ask you the name of the song and if you don’t know it we will hum it for google to tell us the name.

I trek a great distance to pluck mangoes on my way to home, and knowing fully well I can’t climb trees or let me say I am scared to death of been beaten by ants, I resolve to throwing sticks, stones, and sometimes when the going gets hard, I throw unripe mangoes too. And after spending a great deal of my afternoon and sometimes part of my evening there, I return with more unripe mangoes than ripe, but you will find me smiling sheepishly like I won a gold medal.

I am not careless, I am carefree.

Like Mike Sansone would say, I am not childish, I am child-like.

Like Caseandme, I find it thrilling to witness synchronicities. I do this when I am watching people walk side by side, I love watching their legs, especially when they move in the same pace and in the same rhythm. If you are with me, you might catch me giggling.

I guess that’s why I love watching match-past.

I find joy in everything, and Nature is beautiful if you learn to embrace it. My friends tell me I hype nature a lot.

But it is true...

I am just free. A free spirit.

To be so unselfconscious.

The thrill to be a child at heart.

