I (Secretly) Have a Crush On You

Do you maybe feel the same about me?

Janis Groß
Reaching Hearts


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Dear Reader,

This might seem a bit random to you, maybe a bit unexpected… it’s not the kind of thing I normally write.

But it has been building up in me for a while and I just can’t hold it back anymore.

I have a crush on you.

Now, before you think you’re special: You’re not!

I don’t even know you, not a bit more than the 5 people I had a crush on yesterday or the 23 people from last week.

I don’t know what you look like, just like the boy I’ve been texting with on Instagram who asks such intelligent questions. I’ve never really talked to you, just like the girl at the checkout in the supermarket yesterday who had such a nice smile.

And still, I have a crush on you, and I’m not afraid to tell you.

Bottle it up

When was your first crush?

I was 14 years old when I first fell in love with someone - I hated it. I didn’t tell them about my feelings for 2 years because I was scared of making myself vulnerable and getting rejected.

Eventually, after 2 years, my feelings subsided. What remained was an important realization and a new…

